When a ServiceNow ticket is resolved, the corresponding SOI alert did not clear
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When a ServiceNow ticket is resolved, the corresponding SOI alert did not clear


Article ID: 275523


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


When resolving a ticket, the corresponding SOI alert does not get auto cleared.  The helpdesk.log file shows the following error:

<Timestamp>  DEBUG [hdGETPoller] util.HDUtil.getNIMResponseDataAtStartup(386) [] - Unable to process request in getNIMResponseDataAtStartup()::400:Bad Request:{"Error":{"ErrorCode":138,"ErrorMessage":"Incorrect NIM parameter: customField","HTTPResponseCode":"BAD_REQUEST","HTTPResponseCodeValue":400}}
<Timestamp>  DEBUG [hdGETPoller] util.HDUtil.getNIMResponseDataAtStartup(354) [] - getNIMResponseDataAtStartup:: URL at Startup::http://<Hostname>:8080/ca-nim-sm/api/v2/Incident?filter=status=closed&display=name,originatingID,customField,severity,status,assigneeUserID,creationTimeStamp,updatedTimeStamp,closureTimeStamp&startIndex=0&lastIndex=249

Other NIM parameters may be mentioned in place of customField if its mandatory setting is not in place.  In this case, the parameter is customField.


Release : 4.2


  • Go to the NIM configuration page on http://#.#.##.##:8080/ca-nim-sm/ui/configurations.jsp
  • Set the customField to user_input.  This is one of several mandatory mappings as described in the documentation:
    (Mandatory) CA NIM and ServiceNow Field Mappings

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