Duplicate Time entries get created into Timesheet
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Duplicate Time entries get created into Timesheet


Article ID: 275481


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Modern UX: Using a custom attribute to filter on the Add tasks Modal of timesheets is creating wrong number of time entries when the resource is part of a Team/Team Investment

SUMMARY: Modern UX: Using a custom attribute to filter on the Add tasks Modal of timesheets is creating a wrong number of time entries when the resource is part of a Team/Team Investment.

NOTE:  Support is able to reproduce the behavior in both 16.1.1 patch 1 & 16.1.3 


1. Login to Clarity.

2. Navigate to Administration -> Objects -> Task. Add a Multi Valued Attribute called Team Resources with the Lookup “Resource browse(SCH_BROWSE_RESOURCE)“.

3. Take a resource “test” who is open for time entry and assign him to Project1,Project2,Project3.

4. Take 3 more projects which are different from step 3 named Project4,Project5,Project6 and under tasks, add the column Team Resources in the list view. Once added update it’s value with “test”.

5. Navigate to Modern UX -> Teams -> Team Investment -> Create a new team investment.

6. Click on the newly created team investment and add “test” and few other resources to it’s staff.

7. Navigate to Project Project1 and Project2, under the same tasks where resource test is assigned, also assign the Team investment created in step 

8. For Project4,Project5,Project6 add the Team Investment record to it’s staff and assign it to a task.

9. Navigate to Classic UI -> Home -> Resources -> Search of the team investment. Modify the settings of this resource and enable them for time entry. Set the track mode as “PPM”.

10. Navigate to Modern UX -> Timesheets. Search for resource “test” and click on the resource.

11. Click on Add Tasks -> select Tasks. In the filter section make the following changes.

    Change the implicit Assigned Resources filter to “Is Not Empty”

    Add Assigned Resources attribute to the filter section and select “test” as the value.

    Add Team Resources attribute to the filter section and select “test” as the value.

    Match Filters Should be set to “any”

12. Once the above filters are applied we will see the tasks of Project1,Project2,Project3,Project4,Project5,Project6 in the list.

13. Select the tasks from Project1,Project2,Project3 and Project5 and click on “Add”

Expected Results:- 2 Time entry rows should be added for Project1 and Project2 as they dual assigned by resource and Team, Other’s should have one row each.

Actual Results:- 4-6 Time entry rows are added for Project1 and Project2 and others are missing or sometimes one of them is visible.

Additional Information:-

As per the current design, the Add tasks modal and assigned resources filter don’t take into account the investments where resource is assigned through a Team investment. This caused the need for this additional attribute to be

created and track the resources added to a task when only a team investment is assigned to a task.

During the filtering process the results processor doesn’t seem to catch the correct task ID’s when sending the request to /time entries endpoint, which ends up creating duplicate time entry records for the same assignment.


The DE78018 is fixed in the Clarity PPM 16.2.1 version.