Cannot save timesheet task note when using paste
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Cannot save timesheet task note when using paste


Article ID: 275480


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When adding Timesheet Note in MUX with Note Date Enables, pasting into the note or typing in anything other than a letter will not activate the Save Button.  On initial visit to the page, the save button will show, but once the timesheet page is refreshed the save button does not show.  If you wait anywhere up to 3 minutes without doing anything, then the button will show.


1.  Make sure you have Enable Timesheet Note option checked, go to Classic Administration / Project Management / Timesheet Options 

2.  Go to MUX and open a timesheet.

    - add tasks if there are not any


3.  Double click on the task so the Add Note section opens.

4.  Paste values into the note from another source.

Save Option should show. 

You can save the note or cancel it.

5. Refresh the page.

6. Perform steps 3 and 4 to add a new note (same task or different task)

   Cancel and do Add Note again


7.  Type characters such as ... or ,,,   

Expected Results:  Save button appears

Actual Result:  Save button does not appear, however if you wait a few minutes, the button will appear.

Workaround:  Do not refresh pages. Wait until the button appears.  


DE78168 is resolved in 16.2.1