Setting a recommended view on Staffing - Allocation tabs does not direct users to the default view
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Setting a recommended view on Staffing - Allocation tabs does not direct users to the default view


Article ID: 275472


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Setting a Default - Recommended view in Staffing workspace to avoid performance issues on the Allocation by Investments etc. tabs, is not working, the very first time, all the users land on "Standard View" which returns all the records


  1. On 16.1.3, set up a Recommended view on Allocations by Investments, share with Everyone
  2. Now connect with an existing user who has not opened MUX - Staffing Workspace yet


Expected Results: The recommended / default view to be loaded. 

Actual Results: A "Standard View" which returns all the investments and resources is being loaded, which causes a performance hit on the database for large customers. 


Release : 16.1.3


DE77919, Not a Bug

  • As per current implementation if the user goes to any common view page (with View options) Clarity will check for last view which user visited and apply that view to them
  • If a recommended view is created after that Clarity will not switch to recommended view automatically