DFSMShsm operations with ACF2 access.
When user – TESTUSR execute HSM Recover command -
HSEND RECOVER ‘old.dataset.name’ NEWNAME(‘new.dataset.name’) REPLACE
and without replace parm -
HSEND RECOVER ‘old.dataset.name’ NEWNAME(‘new.dataset.name')
what are the required accesses for TESTUSR to complete the process.
Release : 16.0
Read authority is needed for class=facility resources:
Without the NEWNAME parameter, you must have RACF ALTER authority to the data set - which is WRITE access to Dataset in ACF2.
With the NEWNAME parameter:
You must have RACF READ authority to the data set being recovered.
In addition, if the newname data set exists and is RACF-protected and you specify REPLACE,
you must have RACF ALTER authority to the newname data set. (Alter=write)
(ALTER=write access and READ= READ)
Above details obtained from
Recovering a backup version or a dump copy of a dataset
Protecting DFSMShsm Storage administrator commands with RACF FACILITY class profiles