When mapping an element using BFG VS Code Extension, encountering 'Subsystem {} not found ' error.
2023-08-30T15:03:11.911Z - Browse element uri:
{"protocol":"https","hostname":"your.domain.suffix","port":xxxx},"credential":{"user":"user","tokenValue":"TOKEN VALUE"},
2023-08-30T15:03:43.710Z - addToMapping command was called for: PPPPPP
2023-08-30T15:03:43.711Z - Setup Bridge for Git session:
2023-08-30T15:03:44.237Z - Add element into mapping error: Subsystem 'CURRENT' not found. with details: undefined
2023-08-30T15:03:44.237Z - Could not add elements: ["PPPPPP"] into repo: NAME
Release : All Endevor
The current logic expects the same system/subsystem naming throughout the Endevor map
To ensure that elements can be added to the desired subsystem by having the extension focus on the desired destination and not do a compare up the map.
Upgrade to Bridge For Git Explorer v0.4.1
other Expectation: "once an element is mapped, it should no longer be on the list"
This Option is not yet implemented
When element is added using Bridge for Git Explorer,It is pulled into the repository for developers to edit in IDE. However, it is not yet pulled down in Endevor as well (because it has not been edited and synchronized).