LEA CheckPoint datasource not recieving files
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LEA CheckPoint datasource not recieving files


Article ID: 275412


Updated On:


CASB Gateway Advanced


New datasource for CheckPoint firewall LEA Application (OPSEC) does not receive logs as verified from the datasource.




Verify the SIC name using the command line on the checkpoint server.

SSH to the Check Point management server.
Switch to expert mode:
When prompted, enter the password for expert.
Run the following command:
cpca_client lscert –kind SIC

Enter the sic name in the datasource properties in CloudSOC.

Additional Information

SpanVA health monitor logs can be collected by support logs the LEA client connection. 

Possible errors:

  • Unable to connect to Checkpoint Server
  • SIC ERROR 111 - SIC Error for lea: Peer sent wrong DN: