Upgrade CIA from 4.0 to 6.0 DB2 migration
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Upgrade CIA from 4.0 to 6.0 DB2 migration


Article ID: 275406


Updated On: 11-28-2023


Compliance Event Manager


Upgrading CIA from release 4.0 to release 6.0, is there a procedure to follow to migrate the DB2 database from 4.0 to 6.0? 



Release : 6.0


There is not a documented 'migration' path to go from CIA 4 to CIA 6.
The recommendation is to do an install of CIA 6 using the CIA pax file and defining the CIA 6 database in Db2 or Datacom.
At that point, instead of migrating the data from the CIA 4 database,doing an unload from the ESM and loading that data will provide up to date information and the new tables in CIA 6 will be populated. 
 Since CIA does not contain historical data, there is no benefit to 'migrate' the data. Doing a fresh unload/load is the best way to get data into CIA 6.