"Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ebr_fulltext" error in stdlog
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"Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ebr_fulltext" error in stdlog


Article ID: 275393


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


pdm_k_reindex generates ERROR messages in stdlog, if a KD contains words with the German umlaut "ß" and the same word with "ss", instead of "ß".


06/13 09:25:31.74 EM-WIN2019 sqlagt:EBR_FULLTEXT     1888 ERROR        sqlclass.c            1016 SQL Execute  failed: [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [ SQL Code=3621 SQL State=01000] The statement has been terminated.; [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [ SQL Code=2627 SQL State=23000] Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'XPKebr_fulltext'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ebr_fulltext'. The duplicate key value is (erfaßt, 400001).
06/13 09:25:31.75 EM-WIN2019 sqlagt:EBR_FULLTEXT     1888 ERROR        sqlclass.c            1017 Clause (INSERT INTO EBR_FULLTEXT ( DOC_TYPE, ENTITY_ID, FULL_WORD, FULL_WORD_REVERSE, PERMISSION_INDEX_ID, PRODUCT, SHORT_WORD, TABLE_ID, WORD_COUNT, WORD_COUNT_PROBLEM, WORD_COUNT_RESOLUTION, WORD_COUNT_SUMMARY, WORD_COUNT_TITLE, WORD_IDF, WORD_ORDER, WORD_TYPE, last_mod_by, last_mod_dt, ID ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )) Input (<DOC_TYPE:int>1|<ENTITY_ID:int>400001|<FULL_WORD:string>erfaßt|<FULL_WORD_REVERSE:string>erfaßt|<PERMISSION_INDEX_ID:int>999|<PRODUCT:string>|<SHORT_WORD:string>erfaßt|<TABLE_ID:int>11|<WORD_COUNT:int>1|<WORD_COUNT_PROBLEM:int>0|<WORD_COUNT_RESOLUTION:int>0|<WORD_COUNT_SUMMARY:int>1|<WORD_COUNT_TITLE:int>0|<WORD_IDF:int>0|<WORD_ORDER:int>10|<WORD_TYPE:int>0|<last_mod_by:uuid>(NULL)|<last_mod_dt:int>1686641131|<ID:int>400088)


Release : 17.3


1) Need to change the column collation in the attachments, make sure that the following collation change is observed in both the tables 'ebr_fulltext' and ebr_fulltxt_adm'  tables.

2) After changing the collation, delete ‘.ebr’ files under ebr and ebr_ADM folder which is present under site folder of SDM and later rerun pdm_k_reindex.

3) We recommend to take a MDB backup before performing any operations on DB table and also try it on your test environment, before implementing in your production.