Time Slicing job fills the Log page starting 16.1.3
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Time Slicing job fills the Log page starting 16.1.3


Article ID: 275380


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After the upgrade to 16.1.3, the Time Slicing job is appearing every minute after the completion on the job in the Jobs - Log page.

Using Jobs - Log to monitor other jobs completion it's not helpful to see this output as it is hard find the completion of other jobs from the logs


Release : 16.1.3+


The Log output has been enabled by design starting 16.1.3+ for Time Slicing in order to be able to have completion times records

Workaround 1 to disable it again (On Premise only):

1. Run the query on the Clarity database:

update cmn_sch_job_definitions 
set is_log_enabled =0, is_output_enabled =0
where job_code ='Time_Slicing'

1 row will be updated


2. No restart is required


If you do not prefer a database update, you can also:

Workaround 2. Schedule Remove Job Logs and Report Library entries by Type

  1. Leave the job to run as is
  2. Go to Home - Reports and Jobs - Available Jobs
  3. Select Remove Job Logs and Report Library entries by Type
  4. For Type add Time Slicing 
  5. Set age to 0 and schedule it accordingly
  6. This will delete all extra entries in the Log page

Workaround 3:  Create a new custom Time Slice job

  1. Go to Administration - Reports and Jobs
  2. Create a new custom job with the same executable type and executable name as the OOTB Time Slicing
  3. Uncheck Log Enabled
  4. Set Log Output to No
  5. Save and activate the job
  6. Go to Home - Reports and Jobs - Schedules - remove all existing schedules for Time Slicing
  7. Schedule the newly created job instead of the OOTB one and it will not have any output