When data is being inputted to a string attribute created on Task object, from the Details flyout screen on MUX, the values are not getting immediately visible on this attribute present on the Task Grid. If multiple data entry is being done, then there is a lag and the values takes time to display across the records on the Task Grid.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Results: The Task Note attribute’s value, for each task on the grid view should be visible immediately, once the focus moves onto the next task
Actual Results: The Task Note attribute value is not visible, for each task. There is a lag, for example the Task Note’s value might get displayed for the third task, however for First and Second Task, it remains as blank. The data is there however, if we click on the First or the Second task, the respective Task Note Value are seen on the Details Flyout screen, but not on the Grid view.
Additional Information:
Grid View data entry: If the value is being entered in Task Note on the Grid view and then we tab onto the next field or click on the second row on the Grid view, the values are immediately displayed.
DE78011 is resolved in 16.2.1.