Can Information Centric Analytics' (ICA) Qualys Import Utility be configured to retain all XML response files for Vulnerability Detections, Hosts, and Knowledge Base?
Release : 6.x
Component : Qualys Import Utility
To preserve all XML response files downloaded by the Qualys Import Utility for Vulnerability Detections, Hosts, and Knowledge Base, the following options need to be enabled in the ApiOptions table in the QualysGuardDW database:
KeepKnowledgeBaseResponse and DebugKeepDetectionResponse must first be added to the table. KeepHostResponses is created at the time the database is created.
The following T-SQL script will create and enable these options:
USE QualysGuardDW;
INSERT INTO dbo.ApiOptions
VALUES (N'KeepKnowledgeBaseResponse', N'true');
INSERT INTO dbo.ApiOptions
VALUES (N'DebugKeepDetectionResponse', N'true');
UPDATE dbo.ApiOptions
SET OptionValue = N'true'
WHERE OptionField = N'KeepHostResponses';
NOTE: The XML response files are large and can quickly consume a significant amount of storage space. These options should only be used for auditing or troubleshooting.
To disable these options, execute the following script:
USE QualysGuardDW;
UPDATE dbo.ApiOptions
SET OptionValue = N'false'
WHERE OptionField IN (N'KeepKnowledgeBaseResponse', N'DebugKeepDetectionResponse', N'KeepHostResponses');