Incorrect version of the installed Policy Server when upgrading
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Incorrect version of the installed Policy Server when upgrading


Article ID: 275342


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After having rolled back the Policy Server 12.8SP7 to 12.8SP3, when running the installer to upgrade the Policy Server again to 12.8SP7, then the installer refuses to upgrade and report the message:

  Policy Server is already installed

  Policy Server 12.80.700.2758 is already installed in .  Would you like to reinstall?

  WARNING:  Policy Server will be stopped if you proceed.

    ->1- OK
      2- Cancel



The installer relies on the /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml to see the version installed as related (1).



Before doing an upgrade of the Policy Server, take a backup of the .com.zerog.registry.xml file.

When rolling back to the previous version, restore this .com.zerog.registry.xml file to have indication about the software version installed accurate.


Additional Information


    .com.zerog.registry.xml file update in SiteMinder