MUX - Timesheet attestation message does not come up after clicking on Submit button
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MUX - Timesheet attestation message does not come up after clicking on Submit button


Article ID: 275327


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We have enabled timesheet attestation and are experiencing a delay in when the message  pops up. We click submit and the message will not pop up until we move the mouse outside of the area

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Log in to Classic PPM or click the Classic PPM main menu item in Clarity.
2. Click Administration, Project Management, Timesheet Options.
3. Select the Display time attestation message on submit checkbox.
4. Navigate to MUX->Timesheets
5. Attempt to Submit timesheet
6. Notice attestation message does not come up

Expected Results: attestation message should come up

Actual Results: attestation message does not come up


DE78166, Fixed in 16.2.1, as well as in the patch