SUMMARY: Modern UX: Required Date fields have a different UX treatment than other Required data type fields. The date fields are shown in red with a help text below the field indicating the field is required. Other Required data type fields do not have this special treatment for the Create Modal
1. Login to Clarity.
2. Navigate to administration -> Objects. Create a Custom Master Object and API enable it.
3. Create a Sub object of the Custom Master Object from Step 1 and API enable it.
4. On the Sub Object, create attribute of type date and set it to required. Also create an attribute of type number and set that as Required.
5. Navigate to Modern UX -> Blueprints. Create a copy of the Custom Master Objects’s blueprint and edit it.
6. Add the Sub - Object Module and Activate “Enable Create Dialog” for it.
7. Set the Blueprint as Default and navigate to Custom Objects and create a new instance of the CMO.
8. Click on the CMO and on the Module for Sub - Object, click on New button.
Expected Results: Create Modal Opens and both the Date and Number field are shown with an Asterisk indicating that they are required.
Actual Results: Create Modal Opens but the Date field is indicated in Red with a message "This field is required" while other Attribute types are indicated with an asterisk.
Additional Information :-
There seems to be an Additional validation in UX for date fields that makes it inconsistent with other required attributes.
Environment Details :-
Workaround :- The special error message for Date fields is removed when we have a default value set for it.
DE77746, Fixed in 16.2.0