After Upgrade to 16.1.3 Additional Right Required For Uploading Documents to RICs (Risk/Issues/Change Requests)
After upgrade, when trying to manage Documents on the Project > RICs, the following error shows:
API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights.
1. Have tester rights:
CIT - Navigate
CIT - Risk, Issue, Change Request - Edit - All
CIT - Risk, Issue, Change Request - View - All
Custom Investment - Navigate
2. Upgrade to 16.1.3
3. In Modern > Project > RIC, attempt to upload a document
Expected: Should be able to upload a document
Actual: Error when attempting to upload a document
Workaround: Add the right: Project: Risk, Issue, Change Request: Edit: All
however this is a problem and it should work as before.
This is reported as DE78091 and is resolved in 16.2.1.