Gen Trial Adoption process shows some objects as IGNORED...Why
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Gen Trial Adoption process shows some objects as IGNORED...Why


Article ID: 275307


Updated On:


Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen


When executing a Trial Adoption between models and see some objects are IGNORED, and in review of the Gen Technical Documentation section 'Example Where Adoption Request Would Be Ignored', the condition outlined in the documentation to produce an IGNORED adoption object doesn't match what is shown in the Version Compare Report.

This is the section of the documentation I'm tying to understand:
"The general rule is to avoid performing adoption between two objects with matching names when one of them shares common ancestry with another object with a different name. This guideline that is expressed in terms of the Compare Report would be -- Never attempt adoption of an object that is listed in the Different section of the Compare Aggregate Object Report.

To do so in a case like this would result in an IGNORED action since you cannot replace the IDs of an object with IDs that exist in the model. See the message IGNORED in the table, Adoption Report Information Messages in Adoption Report Messages."



Release : 8.6


Note - The Host Encyclopedia Adoption only reports on ADOPTED and IGNORED objects.  When the CSE Adoption was written, it was enhanced to report on additional information like:  Not Adopted, Already Adopted objects.

In the case provided, on 'Entity Type XYZ' it was reported as IGNORED because:
a 'Differently Named' object exists in the destination model but has common ancestry with an object in the source model.

A best guess is that there is another HLENT (High Level Entity Type) in the destination model with the same Original Object ID.  Could be that the user may have renamed the HLENT in one of the models at some point in time. 

The best way to find which object that it has common ancestry, is to run the 'Aggregate Object Where Exists' Report. 
As a test, after renaming the 'DIVISION' entity type to 'DIVISION2' in a copy of the Gen Sample Model
The report displays any labels that are different, here is our example:

FAMILY NAME: GEN SAMPLE MODEL 8 6                                               
MODEL NAME: GEN SAMPLE MODEL 8 6                                               
                                                         LAST DIRECT CHANGE     
 OBJECT TYPE AND NAME                                   DATE     TIME   USER ID 
 --------------------------------------------------  ----------  -----  --------
 Entity Type DIVISION                                                           
 EXISTS IN:                                                                     
   MODEL: GEN SAMPLE MODEL 8 6                       2016-11-29  10:55  ENCYADMN
   MODEL: SAMPLE TEST                                        2016-11-29  10:55  ENCYADMN
   MODEL: SAMPLE TEST 2                                     2016-11-29  10:55  ENCYADMN
       NEW NAME: Entity Type DIVISION2                                          
  ******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************  

Once the other entity type is identified, need to look at the models and decide which ones should have common ancestry.  Note, may have to rename before running adoption since it is looking at the name to find a logical match.   Or, may find one is a duplicate and don't want to adopt it.