How to remove optional FMIDs that were installed with a product.
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How to remove optional FMIDs that were installed with a product.


Article ID: 275263


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ACF2 - z/OS


To remove an optional FMID that was installed with a product define a dummy function SYSMOD(in this example DELTFUN) that deletes the optional FMID(in this example CAX1G02) to be deleted.

Next receive, apply, and accept the dummy function DELTFUN, and run UCLIN to delete the SYSMOD entries for the deleted FMID CAX1G02 and for the dummy function DELTFUN.



Release : 16.0


Sample job to to remove an optional FMID that was installed with a product define a dummy function SYSMOD(in this example DELTFUN) that deletes the optional FMID(in this example CAX1G02) to be deleted. Next receive, apply, and accept the dummy function DELTFUN, and run UCLIN to delete the SYSMOD entries for the deleted FMID CAX1G02 and for the dummy function DELTFUN.

In this example DELTFUN is the dummy sysmod, CAX1G02 is the optional FMID to be deleted.

//SMPDELJ1  JOB 9999999999,CLASS=A  
//*** Remove FMID JOB 1 ***                                 
//SMPCSI    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.product.CSI  
//SMPPTFIN DD DATA,DLM=$$                                   
++FUNCTION(DELTFUN)     /* Any valid unique SYSMOD ID.    */.
++VER(Z038)             /* For SREL Z038 (MVS products).  */
DELETE(CAX1G02)         /* FMID to be removed.            */.
//SMPHOLD   DD DUMMY                                        
//SMPCNTL   DD   *                                          
SET     BDY(GLOBAL)      /* Set to global zone.           */.
RECEIVE S(DELTFUN)       /* Receive the DELTFUN.          */.
SET     BDY(CAIT0)       /* Set to target lib.            */.
APPLY   S(DELFUNC)       /* Apply to delete function.     */.
SET     BDY(CAID0)       /* Set to dist lib.              */.
ACCEPT  S(DELFUNC)       /* Accept delete function.       */.
SET     BDY(CAIT0)       /* Set to target lib.            */.
DEL     SYSMOD(DELTFUN)  /* Delete SYSMOD DELTFUN entries */.
DEL     SYSMOD(CAX1G02)  /* Delete SYSMOD for FMID.       */.
SET     BDY(CAID0)       /* Set to dist lib.              */.
DEL     SYSMOD(DELTFUN)  /* Delete SYSMOD DELTFUN entries */.
DEL     SYSMOD(CAX1G02)  /* Delete SYSMOD for FMID.       */.
ENDUCL .                                                        

//SMPDELJ2 JOB 9999999999,CLASS=A  
//*** Remove FMID JOB 2 ***                               
//SMPCSI    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.product.CSI
//SMPPTFIN  DD DUMMY                                      
//SMPHOLD   DD DUMMY                                      
//SMPCNTL   DD   *                                        
SET    BDY(GLOBAL)       /* Set to global zone. */.       
REJECT HOLDDATA NOFMID   /* Reject HOLDDATA,    */        
PRODUCT                  /* PRODUCT info for    */        
DELETEFMID               /* the deleted FMODs.  */        
(DELTFUN CAX1G02)        /* Delete the FMIDs.   */.       