Changing PANELLIB attributes dynamically
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Changing PANELLIB attributes dynamically


Article ID: 275248


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SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE: Access Session Management SOLVE:Operations Automation


Need to make some changes to a Panel Library in our environment for an upcoming change.

When in the Panel Maintenance screens (/PANELS) and list all the panels in the relevant library (PANL) it shows a message saying BROWSE ONLY which makes it unable to modify or rename.

The relevant statements from the INI member where the PANELLIBS get allocated are:
   &$IAPPANF1    = &STR PANL               
   &$IAPPAND1    = &STR library.PANELS  
   &$IAPPANE1    = &STR user panels       
   &$IAPPANO1    = &STR                        
   &$IAPPANU1    = &STR                        
   &$IAPPANI1    = &STR SHR                    

Is there a way to dynamically change the attributes to allow UPDATE? 


Release : 5.0


&$IAPPANU1 should have the name of the 'Editable Path'. Would expect to see &STR PANELS for this field if it was editable.

You can update it and the panels will be editable. You should update the Initalization file member as well.

See example in command output of /PARMS PANELLIB member:

Hit F6 to action the change.

F5 will show the log messages from actioning the parameter group. Expect to see LIBPATH command with EDIT=(PANLPROD).