OTP Status column in All Transaction Report
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OTP Status column in All Transaction Report


Article ID: 275244


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An Arcot Transaction Manager administrator will be able to check the status of the One-Time-Passcode (OTP) delivery for the issuer implementations where the OTP is delivered by Arcot SMS delivery vendors.
This information is available in the "All Transactions" Report which displays a list of all 3-D Secure transactions in a specified time period.
To view the All Transactions report:

In the left pane, under Transactions Reports, click All Transactions. The All Transactions page appears.

After applying the required filters, click on the "Submit" or "Export" button.
Please navigate to the last column "OTP Status".
NOTE: The administrator must have the All Transactions Report privilege to view this report.


UAT and Production


Following are the possible values:

DELIVERED – Indicates that the OTP has been successfully delivered.

FAILED – Indicates that the OTP could not be delivered to the cardholder.

PENDING_PROVIDER – Indicates that ACS is waiting for the delivery status update from the SMS provider. This is a temporary status, after the final status (DELIVERED or FAILED) update is received, it gets appended to the initial status as shown below: {“amds”:”68660”,”status”:”PENDING_PROVIDER”,”provider”:”sybase365}{“amdsTXNID”:”68660”,”status”:”DELIVERED”,”statusCode:”451A”,”description”:”DELIVERED”,”provider”:”sysbase365”,”deliveryTime”:””} 

Sinch (sybase365) Status Code Definitions:

Status Codes Description Suggested Actions
4503 The operator for the recipient number cannot be identified Update recipient number.
4507 The message is received by the operator. Ask customer to enter mobile coverage area and ensure phone workability.
4510 Message delivered to delivery vendor platform, but stuck, possibly due to some spooling.  Contact Arcot Support Team
450A     The message has been acknowledged. Received by recipient Nil
4529 The message encountered error while sending due to error on delivery vendor's platform server Contact Arcot Support Team
4524 The message is discarded as recipient is blacklisted Advise recipient to contact their operator to remove from blacklist.
DB40     The message cannot be sent to the recipient as it has no valid service provisioned with this operator Update recipient number. Check with recipient on whether his number has been ported. Please retry service after 24 hours
DB47 The message cannot be sent to the recipient as it has no valid service provisioned with this operator Update recipient number. Check with recipient on whether his number has been ported. Please retry service after 24 hours
DB52     The message encountered error while sending due to error occurred during send to operator Retry service again. Contact Arcot Support Team
DB62 The message encountered error while sending due to other errors causing message delivery to fail Retry service again. Contact Arcot Support Team
DB65 The message expired while sending to the recipient Ask customer to enter mobile coverage area and ensure phone workability.
DB76     The message cannot be sent to the recipient as it has no valid service provisioned with this operator Update recipient number. Check with recipient on whether his number has been ported. Please retry service after 24 hours
DB85 The message expired while sending to the recipient Ask customer to enter mobile coverage area and ensure phone workability.
DB02 The message failed because of syntax error Error in post submitted to delivery vendor's platform, check and correct syntax in post sent from application.
Contact Arcot Support Team
DB11 The message encountered error while sending due to other errors causing message delivery to fail Contact Arcot Support Team, who will follow up with the delivery vendor.
DB99 Unknown or Ported Number Recent porting issue with the user's number
DB63/DB48/DB09 Unknown Subscriber/Invalid contact number Usually caused by extra digits in contact number, a lesser number of digits in contact number, or invalid format of contact number. Could also be that the user is no longer using this contact number, and number maybe non-functional at the time. 
DBF2 Message rejected by Operator Message rejection generic error. Contact Arcot Support Team, who will follow up with the delivery vendor.
DB54 Message rejected by Operator Rejected by operator because there are too many similar messages sent to the same destination operator network at the same time.
DBA4 Subscriber cannot be reached - specific for PCCW Mobile (SUNDAY) subscribers. Subscriber handset has network/handset related issue. Restart handset or test with different handset
4530 Customer Blacklisted - contact number has been blacklisted on end-user request Contact Arcot Support Team, who will follow up with the delivery vendor.
DB23 Message rejected by Operator This type of message format is not supported by the operator, such as flash messages, other languages etc.
DB05 Barred by destination operator - rejected by destination operator because message sending to this contact number is blocked. End user to contact operator customer service support team.
DB58 Invalid size syntax for message Error in post submitted to delivery vendor's platform, check and correct syntax in post sent from application. Contact Arcot Support Team, who will follow up with the delivery vendor.
DB66 A2P SMS message services not provisioned for this contact number End user will need to check with operator customer service team for provisioning.
DB73 Connection rejected by operator Retry service again. Contact Arcot Support Team
DA10 Invalid contact number Update recipient number. Possible digits missing, or extra digits added, from application side wrongly. 
DB81 Contact number Blacklisted by operator End user will need to check with operator customer service team for provisioning.