Service not found for soap service
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Service not found for soap service


Article ID: 275188


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


The soap servcie return respons like this,

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
         <faultstring>Policy Falsified</faultstring>
            <l7:policyResult status="Service Not Found.  The request may have been sent to an invalid URL, or intended for an unsupported operation." xmlns:l7=""/>


Checked the request uri and the resolution path of the service, it's correct.

Checked the SOAPAction header, it's correct as well.


Release : 10.1


As per the wsdl, an element requires namespace, but in the request payload, it doesn't have any namespace.


Use soapUI or similar tool to generate a valid request template from the wsdl

Additional Information

soap version mismatch can also cause "service not found" error, for example, the wsdl and request are for soap 1.1, but on service property > wsdl tab> set soap version as SOAP 1.2