Save Results as Filter Button Creates Filter Using vAC_ComputerLicenseAndUsageByProduct Causing High Overhead
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Save Results as Filter Button Creates Filter Using vAC_ComputerLicenseAndUsageByProduct Causing High Overhead


Article ID: 275178


Updated On:


Client Management Suite


On the console you go to Manage Software
You click on Installed Products
You find a product that you want to make into a filter and select it
You click on the icon to save results as a filter and give the filter a name
View that filter and notice it's using SQL logic, for example:   SELECT c.ResourceGuid FROM vAC_ComputerLicenseAndUsageByProduct c WHERE  c.SoftwareProductGuid in ('b76ee4a0-3031-43ac-b81a-41700dd17aaa') 

Since the filter utilizes the vAC_ComputerLicenseAndUsageByProduct, it creates unnecessary overhead when loading the filter's membership or during filter membership updates.


Release : 8.7.1


vAC_ComputerLicenseAndUsageByProduct view.


In an upcoming version of 8.7, this behavior will change.  It's currently estimated to be available in rollup 2, for ITMS 8.7. Filter creations, using the default filter by usage drop-down, will now create the filter using faster performing SQL logic.

However, if using non-default filter by usage logic, then the filter creation will still use the vAC_ComputerLicenseAndUsageByProduct view.