Unable to create SpanVA AMI image from OVA
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Unable to create SpanVA AMI image from OVA


Article ID: 275175


Updated On:


CASB Gateway Advanced


When running the python command to import the image, it returns the error: Invalid JSON received:




1) Follow the steps in the AWS documentation to create a policy, create a role, then assign the policy to the role.

2) Create a file named containers.json with the following content. Modify the S3Bucket with your bucket name. Also modify the path to the image .ova file if needed

    "Description": "SpanVA",
    "Format": "ova",
    "UserBucket": {
        "S3Bucket": "<your bucket name>",
        "S3Key": "ova/agent_image_1."

3) From the AWS CLI prompt, run the following command:

aws ec2 import-image --region <your AWS region> --cli-input-json containers.json


When the command runs, it will return an ImportTaskId. You can check the status of that import with the following command:

aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids <ImportTaskId>