ADA data source failed to sync with Performance Management
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ADA data source failed to sync with Performance Management


Article ID: 275162


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis (NetQoS / ADA) DX NetOps


We migrated ADA 11.1 database to a new Win2019 systems with ADA 11.2.  The ADA data source got a synchronization failure.  Please advise how to fix the problem.


Release : 11.2


The ADA 11.1 tables need to be updated from NetOps Portal to be valid for ADA 11.2.


We were able to get the ADA to bind/sync with NetOps Portal.  We needed to do the following:

  1. Confirm that the data source had been removed in NetOps Portal

  2. Run the below set of queries in the case notes on the super database to reset the settings

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS performance_center_properties;

    CREATE TABLE performance_center_properties (
        PropName VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL,
        PropValue TEXT NULL,
        Deleted enum('N', 'Y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
        PRIMARY KEY (PropName,Priority),
        INDEX (Deleted,Priority)
    ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Tracks the performance center''s properties';

    INSERT IGNORE INTO performance_center_properties (PropName, Priority, PropValue) VALUES
    ('LdapConnectionUser',                0, ''),
    ('LdapConnectionPassword',            0, ''),
    ('LdapSearchString',                  0, ''),
    ('LdapSearchScope',                   0, ''),
    ('LdapEncryption',                    0, 'false'),
    ('LdapSsl',                           0, 'false'),
    ('LdapSecure',                        0, 'false'),
    ('LdapServerBind',                    0, 'false'),
    ('LdapUserBind',                      0, 'false'),
    ('LdapAccountUser',                   0, ''),
    ('LdapAccountUserDefaultClone',       0, ''),
    ('LdapGroups',                        0, ''),
    ('LdapKrb5ConfigFile',                0, ''),
    ('LDAPStatus',                        0, 'true'),
    ('LDAPTimeout',                       0, '10000'),
    ('SsoAnonymousUserEnabled',           0, 'false'),
    ('SsoAnonymousUserId',                0, '2'), -- USER ID 2 is nquser
    ('SsoCookieName',                     0, 'NetQoSDefaultCookie'),
    ('SsoCookieTimeoutMinutes',           0, '20'),
    ('SsoEncryptionDecryptionKey',        0, '#$utP9%z'),
    ('SsoEncryptionAlgorithm',            0, 'AES'),
    ('SsoFailedSleepSeconds',             0, '3'),
    ('SsoLocalhostUserEnabled',           0, 'true'),
    ('SsoLocalhostUserId',                0, '1'), -- USER ID 1 is nqadmin
    ('SsoLocalhostUserSignInPageEnabled', 0, 'false'),
    ('SsoRememberMeEnabled',              0, 'true'),
    ('SsoRememberMeTimeoutDays',          0, '15'),
    ('SsoPort',                           2, '8381'),  -- This value should be the port you use in your environment (possibly 8382, etc)
    ('SsoScheme',                         0, 'http'),
    ('SsoVirtualDirectory',               2, 'sso'),
    ('SsoSignInPath',                     2, 'sign-in.jsp'),
    ('SsoSignOutPath',                    2, 'sign-out.jsp'),
    ('SsoSAMLSignInPath',                 0, 'saml2/login'),
    ('SsoSAMLSignOutPath',                0, 'saml2/logout'),
    ('SAML2DocumentSigned',               0, 'false'),
    ('SAML2AuthenticationEnabled',        0, 'false'),
    ('SAML2AccountUserDefaultClone',      0, ''),
    ('SAML2AutoReauthenticate',           0, 'false'),
    ('SAML2AutoReauthenticateDuration',   0, '0'),
    ('SAML2IdpSessionTimeout',            0, '0'),
    ('NpcWebServiceScheme',               0, 'http'),
    ('NpcWebServicePort',                 0, ''),
    ('NpcWebServiceHost',                 0, ''),
    ('NpcWebServiceProductRequest',       0, '/PortalWebService/ProductRequestWS.asmx'),
    ('NpcWebServiceInventory',            0, '/PortalWebService/InventoryWS.asmx'),
    ('NpcWebSiteScheme',                  0, 'http'),
    ('NpcWebSitePort',                    0, ''),
    ('NpcWebSitePath',                    0, '/npc/default.aspx'),
    ('NpcWebSiteHost',                    0, ''),
    ('NpcSmtpEnabled',                    0, 'false'),
    ('NpcSmtpHost',                       0, ''),
    ('NpcSmtpPort',                       0, '25'),
    ('NpcSmtpSSL',                        0, 'false'),
    ('NpcSmtpUser',                       0, ''),
    ('NpcSmtpPassword',                  0, ''),
    ('NpcReplyName',                      0, 'SuperAgent'),
    ('NpcReplyAddress',                   0, ''),
    ('UserSessionIdCookieName',           0, 'JSESSIONID');

    INSERT IGNORE INTO performance_center_properties (PropName, Priority, PropValue) VALUES
    ('NpcWebServiceHost',                 2, '');

    truncate table aggregate_applications;
    truncate table aggregate_applications_flags;
    truncate table aggregate_applications_relations;
    truncate table aggregate_clients;
    truncate table aggregate_clients_flags;
    truncate table aggregate_clients_ipv6;
    truncate table aggregate_clients_relations;
    truncate table aggregate_servers;
    truncate table aggregate_servers_flags;
    truncate table aggregate_servers_relations;
    truncate table aggregate_sync_groups;
    truncate table aggregate_sync_members;
    truncate table aggregate_sync_relations;
    truncate table aggregates;

    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='' where parameter='masterDB';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='lastEmail';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='runsID';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='frgAlmID';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='hstAlmID';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='' where parameter='notifEmailAddress';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='dbCleanupDay';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='dbCleanupTime';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='reportSecurityDisabled';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='6' where parameter='hourlyKeepTime';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='1' where parameter='5MinKeepTime';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='13' where parameter='slaKeepTime';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='GMT' where parameter='defaultTZ';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='' where parameter='collectorStatus';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='autoTrendDate';
    -- clear disk monitor parameters
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='monitorEmailEnabled';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='monitorTrapsEnabled';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='' where parameter='monitorEmail';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='' where parameter='monitorTraps';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='0' where parameter='monitorCrossed';
    update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='5.0' where parameter='minSpace';

    -- Clear any portal registration
    -- WARNING: This does NOT fully unregister/unbind from NPC.

    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='PortalID';
    -- DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='ProductID';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='PortalVersion';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='pullLastFullSyncTime';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='pullLastIncrSyncTime';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='pullForceFullSync';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='pushLastFullSyncTime';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='pushLastIncrSyncTime';
    DELETE FROM parameter_descriptions WHERE parameter='pushForceFullSyncSnmp';

    truncate table inv_snmp_profiles;
    truncate table users;

  3. Re-add ADA as data source in NetOps Portal and confirm that the bind and sync complete.