Process Step delay "Days elapsed" does not work
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Process Step delay "Days elapsed" does not work


Article ID: 275156


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When setting up a post condition with a smaller interval of wait / delay, the condition is not getting evaluated and the process is not advancing


  1. On Clarity, create a new On Demand process with one middle step
  2. Create a post condition in the start step ( Step.Start Days elapsed since step began >= 0.001 )
  3. Create same condition for the middle step
  4. Validate and activate the process
  5. Run the process with Execute process job

Expected Results: the process to start moving along after the delay

Actual Results: the process gets stuck for indefinite amount of time. Clicking Run Event Waiting Steps helps to start move it along


Release : 16.1.x


This was reviewed as DE78106, and is working by design

  • Process is not an event enabled object and as such, the work is being picked up by an internal job, running depending on setting Exception Run Interval in CSA (exceptionRunInterval in properties.xml)
  • This means that the step will progress after about 10-20 min
  • We do not recommend increasing the interval, instead redesigning the process to allow for shorter delays differently, if 10-20 min is not appropriate for what you would like to do