An error occurs when trying to display Version history of an object in a new page, the browser returns a HTTP 400 message
"HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request"
This can be reproduced easily with the following scenario;:
-- Activate version history on a client client
-- Do a change in an object to create an entry in version management
-- Go to version management an do a 'Crtl-click' on the new created entry to open it into a new windows.
This message will show up in the next windows:
HTTP ERROR 400 Invalid location: Cannot parse path: POW210/0022@pa/view/SCRI.OBP.001.'#%@WPME#.20230905.111625
URI: /awi/POW210/0022@pa/view/SCRI.OBP.001.%23%24%40WPME%23.20230905.111625
MESSAGE: Invalid location: Cannot parse path: POW210/0022@pa/view/SCRI.OBP.001.#%@WPME#.20230905.111625
Automic Web Interface (AWI) 21.x
This is a defect in AWI
The problem is related to the the first '#" in the Suffix, if you remove it the problem will not show up.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Automatic.Web.Interface (AWI)
Will be fixed in Automation.Engine 21.0.9 - Planned release late December 2023
Bug ID: AE-33744
Bug Title: Unable to open the object version history on a new page from Version Management
Solution details: A problem has been solved where it was not possible to open an object from the version management panel in a new browser tab.