When executing a cof file, following error appears :
User is not privileged to execute job
In TRC_USD_AGENT*.log there are these lines :
181023-14:08:58.7609779L|008608|00001f9c|SDAgent | |sdjecontainerif.cpp |000872|ERROR | Error validating privileges for user usertest
181023-14:08:58.7619239L|008608|00001f9c|SDAgent | |sdjeipcprogressif.cp|000298|DETAIL | Sending IPC message:
<message version="">
<RPCCall UUID="########-####-####-####-############" MethodName="PromptUser">
<Param1>User is not privileged to execute job</Param1>
Client Automation - All versions
The user executing the cof file does not belong to the local or global Administrator group.
Solution 1
Add the user in the local group sdofflin
Solution 2
If the user is already in Administrators group and/or in sdofflin group, following workaround could be tried :
See in online documentation the following note