Agent v21 Windows Restarts continously when Erase source is selected and file name longer than 256 bytes
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Agent v21 Windows Restarts continously when Erase source is selected and file name longer than 256 bytes


Article ID: 275078


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


A Windows Agent performs a continous deconnection/reconnection after having received the following error from the JCP:

UCUDB - DB error: 'S0001', 'Zeichenfolgen- oder Binärdaten werden in Tabelle "AE.dbo.RT", Spalte "RT_MsgInsert" abgeschnitten

Example of the error in the JCP Log in German:

U00003590 UCUDB - DB error: 'S0001', 'Zeichenfolgen- oder Binärdaten werden in Tabelle "AE.dbo.RT", Spalte "RT_MsgInsert" abgeschnitten. Abgeschnittener Wert: 1741641|D:\path_to_file\file_name.csv|5 - Zugriff verweigert >libcpprn.', '2628', 'java.sql.BatchUpdateException'

This would occur if the Agent Windows would try to send a file when Erase Source files is selected and file name was longer than 256 bytes



Release : 21.x

Component: Automation Engine

Sub-Component: Agent Windows


This was caused by a bug in the Windows agent. It sends a wrong FTXWRITE message that contains a message text with more than 1024 characters.
There are random bytes at the end:

20230807/141445.485 Record: 1142, 000001D1CD433B78
20230807/141445.485 Warning: report record longer als definition 1110 > 1024
20230807/141445.485 Record: 8/7-2023 11:5:41.0, 63036 - 1754401|D:\path_to_file\file_name.csv|2 - Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. >libcpprnt/src/Path.cpp#sys::Path::remove:433<|1754401|\path_to_file\file_name2.csv|2 - Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. 


Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version:
Component(s): Agent Windows
Automation.Engine 21.08 HF2 - Available
Will be fixed in Automation.Engine 21.0.9 - Planned release Second Half December 2023

Additional Information

Bug ID: AE-33396

Public Description: WinAgent: File Transfer fails when Erase Source files is selected and file name is longer than 256 bytes