Max. parallel session for user object allows more sessions than set
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Max. parallel session for user object allows more sessions than set


Article ID: 275061


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Max. parallel session for user object option is not working, appears to be ignored.  This happens for all types of users (Automation Engine, SAML, etc...)

Steps to reproduce:

Create an user account and enable max parallel sessions by two and then try to login using the same account in multiple browsers.

This user can login to any number of account even after restricting max parallel sessions to 2.


Release : 21.0.4 to 21.0.9


Known Defect


This has been fixed with the release of 21.0.9.  Please note that as this is a service pack release, the following components MUST be on the same service pack level: Automation Engine, Utility, Initialdata (via DB Load), AWI

Reference Defect AE-30923 

Defect short description: "Max. Parallel Sessions" setting in User object definition does not work

Defect description: A problem has been fixed where allowing a User to have parallel sessions ("Max. Parallel Sessions" setting on the User object) did not work.