CA Client AutomationCA Client Automation - IT Client Manager
HTTP/2 (H2) vulnerability CVE-2023-44487, “rapid reset” attack permits a novel denial of service scenario where a high volume of coordinated HTTP/2 request cancellations can quickly reset many HTTP/2 streams, exhausting server resources and potentially causing outages.
http/2 is used in Web Admin Console and ENC components in Client Automation if SSL is enabled.
This vulnerability can be addressed by upgrading the Tomcat version to 9.0.82.
Web Admin Console (WAC) :
Download the 9.0.82, 32-bit Tomcat for windows from Apache Tomcat
Extract the downloaded zip file.
Stop the tomcat service (in command prompt : caf stop tomcat).
Take a backup of the current installed version of Tomcat in your environment before proceeding with the upgrade process:
For example: ..\CA\SC\Tomcat\8.5.56
Copy the 9.0.82 directory structure and place in "..\CA\SC\Tomcat".
Rename the folder name as 5.56.
Navigate to the conf folder and edit the server.xml file (..\CA\SC\Tomcat\8.5.56\conf) and comment the below property (This item might already be updated with the requested change).
New change: <!-- <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" /> -->
Navigate to the directory “\CA\DSM\Web Console\conf” and take a backup of server.xml and try edit original server.xml and update under the below property:
New change: <Connector port="8020" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" address="" secretRequired="true" secret="mysecret" />
Navigate to the file in "CA\DSM\Web Console\jakarta\" and update/add the "worker.ajp13w.secret=mysecret" entry as shown below:
Run the below commands from the command prompt:
iisreset /stop
iisreset /start
caf start tomcat
Now, launch the WAC (Web Admin Console).
Open the catalina.20xx-xx-xx log file from “CA\DS\Web Console\logs” and observe the log you can see in the updated tomcat version (Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.82]) entries.
CAF stop
Backup the Tomcat directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\ENC\Tomcat)
Placed the Tomcat 9.0.82 files and folders
Copied the "encServer" folder from backup directory to the C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\ENC\Tomcat\webapps
CAF start
Verified version information after upgrade ( C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\ENC\Tomcat\bin) : <versioninfo.bat> upgraded to 9.0.82
caf status encserver (state: Running)
Executed the following commands, but no information captured to the log file C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\ENC\Tomcat\logs
encutilcmd server -server encutilcmd server -client
If no information are captured, the Problem could be with the port in “...\ENC\Tomcat\conf\server.xml”