Viewing Service Desk tickets in Service Point by both requestor and the requestee
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Viewing Service Desk tickets in Service Point by both requestor and the requestee


Article ID: 275018


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


The client uses Service Point for end users to track their Service Desk tickets.
The customer started using tickets with Requestor (requested_by field in Service Desk) different from Affected End User (customer field in Service Desk).
The customer wants the tickets to be displayed to the requested_by and customer at the Service Point. Today, tickets are only displayed to the customer at the Service Point.
Is it possible in Service Point for the same Service Desk ticket to be displayed for requested_by and customer?

Additional information

A request was opened in the CA Service Desk with requested_by=UserA and customer=UserB with the ticket number 123.
When userA opens the Service Point there is no ticket 123 shown as being open.
When userB opens Service Point, request 123 is displayed as open.

The client wants to request 123 to be displayed in the list for users A and B.

It is possible?



Release: 17.3 +


We performed a proof of concept (POC) feasibility test using the proposed idea in our lab environment. Can both the requestor and the requestee be able to view the request that was created for the requestee? We used the best possible Roles and Access Types available in the Service Desk Management environment such as the ServiceDesk user which has an admin privilege to create a request, but each Contact (UserA that was used to create a ticket for UserB), when each log into the Service Point interface can Only view their respective ticket and this is inherent in the methodology used to design CA SDM product. The short answer to the question is "No".