CVE-2023-38545 & CVE-2023-38546 (curl vulnerabilities): Are the Advanced Authentication components vulnerable?
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CVE-2023-38545 & CVE-2023-38546 (curl vulnerabilities): Are the Advanced Authentication components vulnerable?


Article ID: 274936


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Risk Authentication (RiskMinder / RiskFort) CA Advanced Authentication - Strong Authentication (AuthMinder / WebFort)


Do the vulnerabilities CVE-2023-38545 & CVE-2023-38546, related to curl, affect the Advanced Authentication Product?


Component: CA Advanced Authentication (AuthMinder / WebFort and RiskMinder / RiskFort)

Strong Authentication

Risk Authentication


CA Advanced Authentication products is not vulnerable to CVE-2023-38545 or CVE-2023-38546.

Both " CVE-2023-38545 " and " CVE-2023-38546 " are not applicable because we do not use the function that is responsible for the vulnerability.

If the above CVEs are flagged on your system by vulnerability scans please notify your security team that the Advanced Authentication products are not susceptible.