Maileater attachments appearing randomly on support tickets
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Maileater attachments appearing randomly on support tickets


Article ID: 274925


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Noticing that certain mail attachments are appearing across unrelated support tickets.  


Release : 17.3, all releases up to RU23 and 17.4 GA

CA Service Desk Manager


There is a stuck email in the Inbox which is not being processed.  The given email will contain the offending attachment.

The maileater_nxd.log will show an error that states "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1"

The root cause is that there is a setting with the mailbox filter with a filter string of "ticket[ \s\r\n]{{object_id}}" and the offending mail contains a subject line such as "test for ticket 2", which is throwing the above exception.  Mail is trying to be processed by the given rule to look for and try to update a ticket "2" but the ticket is unlikely to exist, causing the exception.


the fix for this issue with the attachments propagating randomly on unrelated SDM tickets, whose root cause was found to be a stuck email which contained the attachment that was not being processed by maileater due to the existing rule design, will be addressed in a future release of SDM updates.  The target will be 17.3 RU24 and 17.4 RU1.