When trying to install a previously provided hotfix in a new environment, the following error is Generated
Flexeraaw7$aaa: Windows DLL failed to load
Release : 17.3
This is a problem with patches generated using Install Anywhere 2018 SP1 on Windows 2019.
This issue has been identified internally and we have a hotfix from Install Anywhere to resolve this issue. We can regenerate the point fix using the new hotfix and bundled as CAZ.
If required for the customer in future, we can send this updated CAZ to resolve the issue they are facing. As the hotfix of IA is already in place, any new patches created in our build system will not encounter this issue.
Execute the following commands from the command prompt which will add a temporary option only applicable to this DOS session:
D:\install\CASM-FIX-to_Tomcat_9.0.64>SET JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dos.name=Windows 7"
Note: DO NOT add this variable to the nx.env file as it will affect other applications.