We tried to update to 2.1.5 from 2.1.4 and we are getting below error
+ helm upgrade --debug --timeout=20m --install ssp -n ssp ssp_helm_charts/ssp --set ssp.global.monitoring.prometheusOperator.serviceMonitor.create=true --set ssp.ingress.host={ssp_hostname} --set ssp.ingress.tls.host={ssp_hostname} --set ssp.ingress.tls.secretName=ssp-general-tls --set ssp.global.ssp.registry.credentials.username={ssp_username} --set ssp.global.ssp.registry.credentials.password={ssp_password} --version=2.1.5+1047 --set ssp.factor.env.mdsServiceMode=test --set ssp.db.serviceHost={db_hostname} --set ssp.keys.mek.existingSecret=viphub-ssp-mek-secret --set ssp.db.servicePort={db_port} --set ssp.db.sslMode=PREFERRED --set ssp.db.name={db_name} --set ssp.db.user={db_username} --set ssp.db.password={db_password}
history.go:56: [debug] getting history for release ssp
Release "ssp" does not exist. Installing it now.
install.go:173: [debug] Original chart version: "2.1.5+1047"
install.go:190: [debug] CHART PATH: /home/{username}/.cache/helm/repository/ssp-2.1.5+1047.tgz
Error: execution error at (ssp/templates/mek-secret.yaml:10:4): ***** Existing Internal Signing Key (ISK) secret detected - have you intended to reuse the existing ISK? Unable to proceed until secret "{ssp-keys-isk}" has been deleted. If you intended to redeploy this chart with the same ISK, then deploy this chart with --set ssp.keys.isk.existingSecret="{ssp-keys-isk}" parameter *****
helm.go:88: [debug] execution error at (ssp/templates/mek-secret.yaml:10:4): ***** Existing Internal Signing Key (ISK) secret detected - have you intended to reuse the existing ISK? Unable to proceed until secret "{ssp-keys-isk}" has been deleted. If you intended to redeploy this chart with the same ISK, then deploy this chart with --set ssp.keys.isk.existingSecret="{ssp-keys-isk}" parameter *****
Release : 2.1.5
Some values were not provided with upgrade command.
The upgrade instruction is in the documentation below.
What the documentation instructs is to get the values from existing installation into a file (helm get values xxxxx > something-something.yaml
) and use that file as input (helm upgrade xxxxxxxxx -f something-something.yaml
) for the upgrade so one does not need to set/pass all the required values as input during the helm upgrade commands.