Money attribute displaying wrong currency
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Money attribute displaying wrong currency


Article ID: 274828


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS



Entering data on an attribute of Money data type, it might display a wrong currency for that project.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Use a Clarity System with Multi Currency Enabled.
The Financial Management Defaults is set to USD as the System Currency.

2. Enable some other currency like Euro.

3. On the project object, add a new attribute with Money Data Type.

For the Currency Code Location, select
Reference another attribute of this object
Which Field: Currency Code

4. Fill in the API Attribute ID to have this attribute available on the Modern UX.
5. On Modern UX, edit a new Blueprint for the Project.

6. Add a new Module for in the template, and add a New Canvas.
Save the changes on the Project.

7. Associate the Blueprint to a Project.

8. Select the EUR as the Currency Code for that Project.

9. Open the Project and select the new Module where the canvas was added in the Blueprint.

10. Add the Money attribute to the Canvas (Configure - Configure Canvas)

11. Click on the Money attribute and start entering a value.


Expected Results: The currency displayed while entering the amount is displayed according to the Project's Currency Code (EUR). 


Actual Results: The currency displayed while entering the amount is displayed according to the system's Default Currency Code (USD). Once saved, the currency code is displayed correctly. 

Workaround: None.
once saved, the currency code is displayed correctly


Clarity 16.1.3


This is being reviewed as DE77811.