Group-by Total Actual Cost Error always displays a positive value in Hierarchy Financials
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Group-by Total Actual Cost Error always displays a positive value in Hierarchy Financials


Article ID: 274823


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The Group By sub-total row of Actual Cost in a Cost Plan always shows a negative amount as positive in the Hierarchy-> Financials module. 


Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Make a copy of the Standard Investment Hierarchy blueprint as Test Hierarchy BP
2. Edit the Test Hierarchy BP blueprint.
3. Add the Financials module to Test Hierarchy BP and publish it
4. Create a new Hierarchy and add assign it to the Test Hierarchy BP blueprint.
5. Add some financially enabled Investments to the hierarchy
6. Create an Unposted Transaction with a negative value to one of the investments in the hierarchy (e.g. Quantity -10, Cost $200.00)
7. Run the Post to WIP and Import Financial Actuals jobs
8. Create an Unposted Transaction to the same investment d Run the Post to WIP and Import Financial Actuals jobs again.
9. Go to the Cost Plan of the investment that you added the transaction for and click the 3 dots to the right of the Cost Plan name and select Populate from Allocations and then Populate from Assignments. Ensure you can see your negative transaction in the grid for the period that it was created in.
10. Open the hierarchy and go to the Financials tab.
11. Select Cost Plan and Group by the Investment ID attribute.
12. Expand the Investment Id that you created the transaction for.
13. Set the grid to display the periods that include the period that you created the transaction for.

Expected Results: The negative transaction of Actual Cost amount is displayed correctly in brackets (2000) and the Actual Cost at the group by level should display the same negative value.


Actual Results: The negative transaction of Actual Cost amount is displayed correctly in brackets (2000) but the Actual Cost at the group by level, Investment ID is displayed as a positive value - 2000.


This is being reviewed as DE77893.