Actuals from Xogged Transaction not showing up on Staffing Page
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Actuals from Xogged Transaction not showing up on Staffing Page


Article ID: 274815


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The import financial actuals job is supposed to set the odf_ss_assgns_curve flag so records can be updated on the Staff Actuals per-period metrics.  It appears though that the time slicing job is actually setting the flag.


1.  Create a manual WIP Transaction.  It does not have to be created through XOG

2.  Post to WIP

3.  Pause Time Slicing and Time Slice Sync jobs

4.  Query the odf_ss_assgns_curve field on prteam table

    Use query similar to

select prresourceid, created_date, odf_ss_assgns_curve 

from prteam where prprojectid = nnnnnnn and prresourceid = nnnnnnn


- Use your internal project ID and internal resource ID


5.  The field should be null

6.  Rum Import Financial Actuals job

         Expected Results:  Query shows flag set to 1

         Actual Results:  Flag is still null

7.  Resume or run Time Slicing Job

8.  Run the query after the job completes

9.  The flag is now set


This was reviewed as DE77284, and is resolved in 16.1.3