Issue/Introduction : Update Financial Plan Actuals And Forecast job is running for a longer time/indefinitely in systems having large volume of cost plans/Budget Plans
Login to Clarity PPM which is financially enabled.
Ensure that the system has significant amount of Approved Budget Plans and corresponding detail rows.
Run the Job "Update Financial Plan Actuals and Forecast" with below options selected.
a) "Update on Plan of Records"
b) "Update only approved budget"
c) "Update only active investment"
Expected Results :- Job runs and completes within expected amount of time.
Actual Results :- Job Doesn't complete and run indefinitely.
This issue is caused because of large volume of Approved Budget plans in the system and the job trying to update the "Last Updated by" and "Last Updated date" cost plan detail tables, when the job is run.
This is investigated as DE77863 and a fix is included as part of and 16.2.0.
Workaround :
Run the job with "Update only approved budget" unchecked.
As part of DE60817 implemented in 16.1.2, cost plan detail rows "Last Updated By" is updated with "Admin" user when a cost plan is accessed and there are actuals to be processed(actuals_out_of_date is set to 1). This additional step might be causing an issue with the job and so this change is reverted with the fix for DE77863.