Error to open workstation post apply HF84
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Error to open workstation post apply HF84


Article ID: 274803


Updated On:


CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


Security error when opening Webstart/Workstation:


JNLPException: security error

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<jnlp codebase="http://IPAddress:Port/" >
    <title>CA Introscope Workstation</title>
    <vendor>CA Technologies</vendor>
   <description>Introscope Workstation</description>
   <icon href="/images/ca_technologies_splash.png" />
   <icon kind="splash" href="/images/ca_technologies_splash.png" />
    <!-- Reference to the launcher jar. This does not change -->
        <jar href="workstationProduct/plugins/" main="true"/>
    <jar href="workstationProduct/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.4.0.v20161219-1356.jar"/>
    <!-- Reference to all the plugins and features consituting the application -->
<extension name="Introscope Workstation" href="jnlp/com.wily.introscope.workstation.feature.jsp" />
<extension name="Eclipse Plugins" href="jnlp/eclipseplugins.jsp" />
    <!-- Information usually specified in the config.ini -->
    <property name="" value="osgi"/>
        value="@user.home/Application Data/Wily/Introscope/product/workstation"/>
    <!-- The id of the product to run, like found in the overview page of the product editor -->
    <!-- The Java version that will be used to launch the product. -->
    <!-- Java version ranges are listed in preferred order from first to last. --> 
    <!-- The client system will be checked for all version ranges, in the listed order. --> 
    <!-- If the client system does not have any JVMs installed that match the listed    -->
    <!-- version ranges, Webstart will download the newest available version permitted  -->
    <!-- by all of the version ranges taken together, regardless of order. -->
    <!-- So: when the j2se version is set to "1.7*"... -->
    <!--   1) Webstart will first check the client system for Java 1.7.   --> 
    <!--      1.7*      = version starts with 1.7           --> 
    <!--   2) If a valid update level of Java 1.7 is not found, Webstart will download    -->
    <!--      the newest available version permitted by any of the version ranges.        -->
    <!--      So, as of this writing, Webstart would download 1.7 update 25 at this step. -->
    <!--      As later updates of 1.7 are released, Webstart will download those instead. -->
    <!--      It will never download Java 1.8 since the version range does not permit it. -->
    <!-- CA Wily has deliberately chosen 1.7.0 as the minimum update level since this  -->
    <!-- we assume Java 7 features are available. -->
    <!-- Users can customize the ranges to allow other update levels at their own risk.   -->
    <!-- If you edit the below version range list, be sure to edit the following file as well -->
    <!-- to use an identical list: com.wily.introscope.workstation.feature_#.#.#.jsp, located -->
    <!-- in the same directory as this file. --> 
    <j2se version="1.7* 1.8*" 
          java-vm-args="-Xms64m -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" 
  <property name="sun.java2d.noddraw" value="true"/>
  <!-- The name of the main class to execute. This does not change-->
<!--  <application-desc main-class="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.WebStartMain">-->
  <application-desc main-class="">


Release : 10.7.0


Option 1: Delete the temporary files.

JControl > Settings > Deletes Files > check all options > Click Ok

Option 2: Follow Java Knowledge Article: