How to check the status of an asset job executed by the agents using a SQL Query in the database mdb ?
Client Automation - All Versions.
Following SQL Query could be used.
Example for job name = "Windows Security"
Replace "Windows Security" by the job name to check
SELECT M.joname,M.agent_name,s.status, s.stcount,
dateadd ( ss, stdate + datediff(ss,getutcdate(),getdate()), convert(datetime,'19700101')) 'Last Executed'
(SELECT DISTINCT j.joname,a.agent_name,a.object_uuid,j.jobid, j.domainid
FROM ncjobcfg j, linkjob l, ca_agent a
WHERE j.joname ='Windows Security' and l.jobid=j.jobid and l.jdomid=j.domainid
and ( (a.object_uuid=l.object_uuid and l.object_type=1) OR
(l.object_type=0 and a.object_uuid in (SELECT m.member_uuid FROM ca_group_member m WHERE m.group_uuid=l.object_uuid)))
) AS M
LEFT JOIN statjob s ON (s.jobid=M.jobid and s.jdomid=M.domainid and s.object_uuid=M.object_uuid)
Output example :