Steps to Reproduce:
1- Create a Sub Object of Project called Pricing
2- Add several attributes, for example a string 1000 field called
"Required at Blueprint Level"
3- Configure Blueprint Rule for a Project Blueprint to make this field on the sub object required.
View Page
Condition Always True
Actions: Required Attributes - "Required at Blueprint Level" (from step 2)
4- Apply blueprint to project
5- Add "Required at Blueprint Level" column to list view
6- Edit an existing Pricing row and remove the value for "Required at Blueprint Level"
A popup error will display z_requiredatblueprint are required and must be non-empty
This is the API attribute id instead of the user friendly attribute label
Expected Results: Popup displays friendly attribute label is required
Actual Results: Popup displays API attribute id is required
You get a popup saying it is required, but this is confusing
This is currently under review and being tracked as DE77861.