Options for purging/deleting many reports from the View database & cleaning up the associated tapes?
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Options for purging/deleting many reports from the View database & cleaning up the associated tapes?


Article ID: 274692


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I’ve been asked by our application and storage management folks if it’s possible to purge many specific reports from the View databases, and if so, what is needed to do that.

- We would like to delete all occurrences of the following reports: **AB*, **CD*, **EF*, **GH*, **IJ*, **KL*, **MN*

- As part of purging the reports, we also want the associated TAPES these reports were archived to to also be cleaned up and freed for scratch.

Can we do in batch with report filters? There are probably 15,000 or more on one of our LPARS if I’m reading the weekly SARPAC REPORT correctly.



Release : 14.0


Database space and archive tape cleanup.


I) Options for deleting the desired reports from the database...
A. Add/modify the ERO table statement(s) applicable to the specific reports, and set the DISK and TAPE retentions to ZERO. The standard backup would then delete all occurrences of those reports from the database.

* If you modify ERO table statements, ALWAYS run SARVERO to validate syntax and to "simulate" the backup before it actually runs. This way you will know specifically what reports will be deleted from the database.
 Sample SARVERO JCL to simulate the backup:

//SARVERO  EXEC PGM=SARVERO,PARM='your.view.dbhlq'        * MODIFY 
//*STEPLIB  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.view.CVDELOAD                  
//SARBKLST DD  SYSOUT=*                                   * REPORT


B. You can run a custom SARGRW batch job to create a transaction file with /DELETE statement in it, then feed that file into the batch SARBCH utility.

See "Knowledge Article ID: 231120 - View Procedure needed to mass delete reports in View" for JCL examples of this process.

II) Regarding cleaning up the tapes that the reports were deleted from...
- If the reports are deleted because their retention has expired (ERO table modifications), the standard backup would automatically perform any necessary tape cleanup.
- If you use the batch SARGRW and SARBCH utilities to delete the reports, they would no longer be ACTIVE reports, and execution of the SARPAC utility could be used to clean up the associated tapes.

a. You can run SARPAC with the REPORT option to ONLY produce the report without performing any actual consolidation.

//SARPAC   EXEC PGM=SARPAC,PARM='view_dbhlq,REPORT' <=== Modify DB name
//*STEPLIB  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=your.view.CVDELOAD     <=== Modify, if used
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                   
//SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*                                   

b. You can run SARPAC with the PARM set to include specific tape sequence number or a range of tape sequence numbers

Example: Single tape -
//SYSIN    DD  *

Example: Two tapes -

//SYSIN    DD  *
 Example: Range of tapes -
//SYSIN    DD  *

c. You can also modify the SARINIT parameters used by SARPAC for automatic selection of tapes based on ACTIVE report thresholds.