After upgrading the API gateway api CR02 to version 11 CR1
It seems that when the API gateway (as client) makes a request to one of its IPs on port 8443 it fails with this error:
2023-10-07T09:18:02.077+0200 WARNING 929 com.l7tech.server.policy.assertion.ServerHttpRoutingAssertion: 4042: Problem routing to https://hostname:8443/auth/oauth/v2/token.
Error msg: Unable to obtain HTTP response from https://hostname:8443/auth/oauth/v2/token: The size of the handshake message (39991) exceeds the maximum allowed size (32768)
Release : 11.0
The problem is caused by a large amount of certs which has the option enabled to be a client signer certificate .
to resolve this go to the directory
edit the with nano and add
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Djdk.tls.maxHandshakeMessageSize=65536"
In the following block
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 "
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 "
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Dcom.l7tech.server.defaultClusterHostname=$(hostname)"
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts --add-opens"
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts --add-exports"
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts --add-exports"i
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Djdk.tls.maxHandshakeMessageSize=65536"
Save the file and restart the ssg service
service ssg stop and service ssg start
do a ps -eaf | grep tls to see if the setting has been applied to the JRE running gateway.jar