The slave PAM node (/Non-Master PAM node) is not able to join in the cluster with the Master Node.
Information from the log:
WARN [com.optinuity.c2o.util.SingletonMBeanLookupUtil] [ Initialization] Failed to create server connection to singleton MBean: c2o:service=OasisServerController in partition: abcdeaa44-fffy-9gggy-3857-faea0cd09yy99 Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed:
DIGEST-MD5: DIGEST-MD5: Server rejected authentication
Release : 4.4
Execute the following command to add the jmx user details
PAM\wildfly\bin>add-user.bat -u jmxuser -p CERTPASSWORD
Here <CERTPASSWORD> is the same password we use while installing the PAM installation. Master node PAM Service restart is required to reflect the changes. Once it's up we can start the non Master PAM nodes.