We use Web Viewer's API to access JOB Log reports and carry out automatic remediation for known incidents.
So we know when a Job falls in an abend, we try to access that job log with the parameters:
- Job name
- arcDateFrom = Job end Date/time - 1 hour
- arcDateTo = Job end Date/time + 1 hour
but the 'Get report list' displays reports that are not in the selected time interval.
Release : 14.0
Web-Viewer patch (LU10909) applied, but in some cases this was already happening prior to the latest fix being applied.
The following is an example of a Get Report List REST API request that only includes reports archived between May 1 2018 and May 6 2018:
GET /web-viewer/api/v1/view/rptlist/1?arcDateFrom=1525132800000&arcDateTo=1525564800000
The arcDateFrom and arcDateTo values are timestamps representing the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970 UTC.
However, because View currently only supports filtering by date (and NOT by time) only the date portion of the value is used. This is noted in the API specification/documentation:
The value is the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch and interpreted as the date within the target repository. The time and timezone portion of the value is ignored.
Because the time and timezone portion of the arcDateFrom and arcDateTo values are ignored, you must filter date portion of those parameters.