The end customer has a UIM 20.3.3 implementation on Linux 7.9 systems and has activated the AD monitoring via the ad_server probe version 2.05. We have followed the documentation and some default checks are performed on the system.
This is reflected on the QOS also via teh OC SLM, where we see all the values being stored. The problem is that these values are not propagated to APM, and before we go investigating the APM side of things we want to make sure that everything is right on the UIM side of things.
One of the observations that we had is that the apmgtw probe version 3.23 and now the 3.24T5 that includes a fix for the collection of metrics do not have these QOS in its configuration.
This to us hints something unusual as we are expecting that the default QOS should be available.
We also investigated the alternative to manually add the QOS to the apmgtw probe but the result is the same, so data from UIM is sent to APM.
Could youhelp us identify the cause of this issue.
Release : 20.3
Apmgtw: 3.23 and 3.24 T5
ad_server probe: 2.05
There is an issue while forming the metrics name from ad_server.
As the correct metric name is not generated as per the guidelines from the APMIA agent or broadly saM environment, so the payloads sent by the apm_gtw probe is rejected by the APMIA agent.
The attached Apmgtw v3.24T10 resolves this issue.
This build will be part of the the next apm_gtw GA build onwards.