We are trying to clean up some fallout from previous versions of the Portal where we couldn't modify existing EULAs. This led to about 200 of our APIs assigned to old/outdated EULAs.
The issue we face is that all of our applications are using hashed secrets and so the previous method to resolve this was:
1) remove from app
2) change eula assignment
3) assign back to app.
With respect to hashed secrets this means that for each of the 200 APIs, doing this via PAPI would render one-to-many applications for each API to no longer work, and not easily feasible to work with 200-800x applications for 200 APIs.
So, we are wondering, is there anything else that could be done here for a cleanup?
We had hoped maybe with your guidance, we could take the Portal offline and modify EULA ID the DB to point to the correct one.
We are not sure how we can proceed in a better way for this.
Release : 5.1
The suggestion are based on : "The EULA we want to assign to all APIs is: 55c2fed9-4928-48b0-a50d-6bEXAMPLE886"
- In latest Portal you can use the Portal UI to update EULAs but as you noted, this will not address the issue of having extra EULAs.
*** If you want to get to a point where ALL Apis use EULA 55c2fed9-4928-48b0-a50d-6bEXAMPLE886.
*** If this is the case then we should walk through a DB update
You can then follow up by deleting unused EULAs using the Portal UI
- One of main reasons for creating a brand new EULA via UI is to make sure there is not "Malicious HTML content" included in the EULA content.
1. How to backup the Portal DB:
This only affects portal database, so the backup command is :
mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p<root_password> -f --routines --add-drop-database --databases portal > portal.sql
2. update API set API_EULA_UUID=`55c2fed9-4928-48b0-a50d-6bEXAMPLE886` and TENANT_ID=`<insert tenant name here>`;