Report Text Identification cause incorrect page distribution & missing reports
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Report Text Identification cause incorrect page distribution & missing reports


Article ID: 274427


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Deliver MM Output (View/Deliver) View


The "exclusive pages" associated with Reports 2 and 3 for a particular job are being processed through Report 1's Deliver text identification.
Consequently, Reports 2 and 3 are missing and not being distributed correctly.

Report 1 has the following identification criteria defined:

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01'


Product: Deliver

Version: 14.0


A TYPE=XCL statement specifies the condition to locate the start of an exclusive segment. Exclusive means that when a page is distributed to one report, the same page cannot be used for or distributed to a different report. Due to the text identification statement coded for Report 1, since ALL pages of the reports produced by this particular job met the criteria coded for Report 1, all pages of all reports from this particular job (including Report 2 and 3's pages) were processed through Report 1's text selection criteria.


Note: There are multiple ways to solve the issue, but the most effective depends on the structure of the report data. 


Example 1. Include more specific conditions. 

Having more specific conditions can make one report get more particular pages allowing pages not selected to be distributed to other reports that have matching criteria.
Below an AND was added to Report 1 to allow other pages to flow to Report 2 and 3.

Report 1 would have :

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01' 

    AND N EQ 3       98          'REPORT 1'                                       


Report 2 would have:

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01'                                        

    AND N EQ 3       98          'REPORT 2'


Report 3 would have:

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01'                                        

    AND N EQ 3       98          'REPORT 3'



Example 2. Include an exclusive conditions. 

The NOT EQUAL can be used as NE under Operator parameter.
Including a NE with the same text as other reports that are in conflict will allow pages to flow properly.

Report 1 would have :

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01' 

    AND N NE 3       98          'REPORT 2'

    AND N NE 3       98          'REPORT 3'


Report 2 would have:

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01'                                        

    AND N NE 3       98          'REPORT 1'

    AND N NE 3       98          'REPORT 3'


Report 3 would have:

Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg   End   Text

    XCL Y EQ 2       98          '01'                                        

    AND N NE 3       98          'REPORT 1'

    AND N NE 3       98          'REPORT 2'


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