TDM Portal Could not load JDBC driver class []
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TDM Portal Could not load JDBC driver class []


Article ID: 274379


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


When trying to connect to a DB2 database from the TDM Portal, the following error is shown: 

Failed to connect.
The server replied: Could not load JDBC driver class []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException


Release : 4.9, 4.10




Download the latest TDM Portal patch from: TDM patches

1. Take a backup copy of your TDM Web Portal directory folder. By default, this is located at C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal.
2. Stop the Portal services.
3. Open the file.
4. Double-click on the setup_CA Test Data Manager Portalxxx.exe file to start the installation wizard.
5. Follow the steps in the installation executable to the Portal.
6. Re-start Portal services.
7. Re-launch Portal.
8. Clear the Browser Cache.
9. Refresh the page and verify that the upgraded version is displayed.
10. Bring down the TDM Portal again.
11. Get these jar files: db2jcc4.jar, db2jcc4_license_cu.jar and db2jcc4_license_cisuz.jar and copy these to the below folders (you should be able to get these jar files from the DB2 server):

CA TDM Datamaker
C:\Program Files (x86)\Grid-Tools\GTDatamaker\lib\

CA TDM Portal
C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\tomcat\jdbc-drivers

12. Remove the db2jcc.jar file in both folders. (as per our documentation: If you are connecting to DB2 and the java version is 1.8 or above, db2jcc.jar must be removed from the lib sub directory and db2jcc4.jar present. DB2 will default to the older db2jcc.jar if both are present, the older driver only works with Java 1.7 and below.)

13. Start the TDM Portal.

Additional Information

db2jcc4.jar version 4.22.29 has successfully been used.
The version can be checked by unzipping the jar and checking the contents of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF inside the jar.